You cannot just evaluate the cost of a product on the date of purchase. To test its true value, one must amortize its cost over its useful life. By that measure, my Krell FPB 300cx, though expensive on Day 1, has proven to be an excellent value. After 7 years of use 320 days a year, it has never had a hiccup, burp, mystery outage or any other type of malfunction. I have every reason to believe this reliability will continue for years to come. And I know there will be a company there to service it if something wears out. I don't have to worry if a German or Scandinavian mfr will still have a distributor in US or whether it can the amp can be serviced here.
And, BTW, it sounds great! It may not be to everyone"s liking, but it is to many, and has been for many years.
And, BTW, it sounds great! It may not be to everyone"s liking, but it is to many, and has been for many years.