Pure Class A SS vs Tube Amp

I have high efficiency 100dB speakers klipsch KLF 30 with mods  
im trying to decide pure class A or Tube amp 
Any Pure class A recommendations will be appropriated especially the one sound good at low volume under 6K MRSP .
@mozartfan I have an EVO300 integrated, currently with stock tubes. But not for long :-)

Seems like with gain complications I’m still not going to get great benefits with Michi P5 and passlab first Watts J2 ?

Any of the Pass Labs  XA amps would be a great fit for your system. You can get one here and other sites and the resale value is great in case you decide to go tube.  You would be doing yourself and injustice if you don’t try a Pass Labs amp.  
Now I’m thinking about XA 30.8
since eventually I may move to focal Electra 1038 when my 4 months twins grow little bit 
I want separates and I really want to keep my Michi P5 Preamp gain is complicated with first Watts J2 
the question is passlab XA 30.8 is better than Parasound A21+ 

While you can use the hifi front end for video, it may eat up limited tube life, depending on how much you watch. 

I found it easier (if more expensive) to have two amplification paths - one for audio, all tube, and one for video, solid state. Just switch the speaker leads from one power amp to the other, takes 2 minutes.