pure ipod dock

I have to tell you this dock is absolutely great. After 3 days it gets better and the built-in dac pretty dam good. Makes my ipod a new source in the living room. Even in the he-man room not too shabby. Also bypassing the internal dac and using an ACK or any non over sampling dac I had it sounded better. Plugging into a linn sc player sounded very good and so easy to use . The video output is very cool, a great extra. I never though I would say it but at $100 it rocks blows the I 70 out of the water. A keeper
This is the best $100 I spent in years, except the fisher 500 I bought with 3 extra sets of brand new factory tubes for $40 at a garage sale. The video output is great too
Mine came today. Coax digital output works very well. There's even a remote. Basic RCA cables are supplied.

Note for Canucks: delivery is via UPS. "Tax" amount applied at purchase, plus more at the door, brings total cost to slightly under $140.
Cant seem to get on to Pure's website in US. Is there somewhere else I can order it from?
i dug thru all the paperwork and they can be reached at 415 566 3875 . pure, 2269 chestnut st. san fran., ca. 94123. i am not sure what is going on with their web site. maybe this will help.