Pure Note Cerulean

I am trying a pair of xlr interconnects and have found them to be terrific. Bested transparent ultras I was using.
Has anyone tried the speaker cables. How long does Pure Note generally have their new products on sale? Do I need to rush? Thanks
Pure Note makes a great cable especially for the money. I wonder why Ridge Street is always challenging Pure Note when there are stronger competitors out there. Pure Note is just one of them.
LOL! Thanks for the chuckle genius. That was almost so slick that I couldn't pass up a comment!

Actually, I consider the performance of what we're doing more on an even playing field with more significant high performance cabling from other companies but challenging? Chasing!? Who said that!? That's never been my premise. We do what we do and the performance of what we're doing has landed in company with some pretty esteemed names in the cable biz.

Kind Regards,
Sonic_genius, what, then, are your impressions/comparisons of/with the Cerulean?
Sonic_genius or physcicanimal, I would also like to know what your direct comparisons are between the Ridgestreet's and the Pure Notes.