Purist or Kubala-which to buy for entire system

I am finally pretty darn happy with my system. It consists of Epiphany 12/12 speakers, modded Dodd 120's, and APL 3910, with latest Sound Applications Linestage. I have lots more eq, but, I am trying to simplify. I may end up using a Pre-amp, but I am not sure yet. I do have Dodd Reference Modded, and Modwright modded. Now, my quandry lays here. I am presently using Xindak gold 3 meter interconnects(1 amp on each stand, 8 feet apart). Speaker cable I am using bested Virtual Dynamic Revelation in my system, it is no name, as of yet, but the wire is used to seal Nuclear waste, and sounds amazing. My power cords are Purist Dominus on Sound Applications, Electragide Ultra Khan RR on APL, and stock on my amps.

I have an opportunity to get "a deal" on the latest Kubala Sosna Emotion, and/or Purist line of cables. For the price I can get it for, I cannot audition.

I would also appreciate opinions on whether I should put my amps together, and get longer speaker wire, or longer interconnects.

I have been told by Rick Schultz(VD)and others that the only real way to get the BEST synergy is using same brand cable thu-out system. I just dunno, and in commiting well over 5K to cables alone....I would like some assistance.

Thanks in advance, and best of luck in your journey

The nanotec wire has taken my system to heights I have never heard, the soundstage is REAL, the sound is MUSIC, I can close my eyes and tell you where each instrument and vocals are positioned, the bass/mid bass/midrange/and treble are the best I have ever heard. My Epiphany's have NEVER sounded better, and the only change is the interconnects, and speaker wire.

Best of luck in your journey

I just received the Nanontec #79 speaker cables.
I must say they are not much to look at.

My findings thus far are different from yours Steve.

Your system is much more elaborate and much more $$$ than mine and I have only played them a short time tonight.
I will play them more tommorrow.
The cables that I have are broken in.

I also have owned the Purist Venustus, Aqueous, Ridgestreet Poimia , and listened in length to the Kubala Sosna Emotions (with a full system of Emotions). I have tried many more.
Ozzy, what is it that you hear? I've tried many others, like yourself, and though these Nanotec cables aren't the last word in detail (they are very detailed though) and don't go down as low as others I've had (but the bass is more tuneful than most) they don't have the air of some of the silver cables I've owned... they are the most musical cable I've yet had in my system.
If you just received your cables, and they were boxed, which means rolled in a ball, then they need a day or so to relax with music going through them to open-up and sing their magic.
Let us know how you make out please.
I'm now using the Nanotec cables thanks to your thread; best cables I have run across so far. Thanks Steve!
I have to apologize to everyone for my previous post because I have definitely jumped the gun regarding the Nanotec cables. After having lived with these cables for a while I now have somewhat of a different perspective, they are not the giant killers I thought they were. I was initially enthusiastic about the Nanotecs but after further evaluation and comparisons I have discovered that the Nanotec cables present someway of a one dimensional soundstage that lacks depth; this is quite apparent when comparing to more costly cables. The Nanotecs are also somewhat rolled off on the top end and the bottom end is by no means the deepest and tightest I have heard; it might actually be a little on the woolly side. The midrange is probably the Nanotec’s strongest point but still not quite up there with the more expensive cables. The Nanotecs are not an entirely bad cable though and I would recommend that you give them a listen if you have the opportunity.