
Responses from leec

Purist or Kubala-which to buy for entire system
711smilin (Steve correct?). The Strada cable is good, I do enjoy them BUT it is not the last word in cable design or overall sound. Yes, I'm looking for more.. the search continues. 
Purist or Kubala-which to buy for entire system
I stated a week ago that these cables do not do all the things many other cables do, don't have all the detail, don't go down as low (or don't have the slam others may have) don't have the top end air etc.ect..ect but I still find them musical. Ye... 
Purist or Kubala-which to buy for entire system
Ozzy, what is it that you hear? I've tried many others, like yourself, and though these Nanotec cables aren't the last word in detail (they are very detailed though) and don't go down as low as others I've had (but the bass is more tuneful than mo... 
Purist or Kubala-which to buy for entire system
I've now been using these products and couldn't be happier. The single best way to descibe them is MUSICAL!!!!!! 
best tonearm for Kondo IO-J cart.
Kondo's SFz Step-up is a GREAT match with the IO-j... I've heard this several times and if I had the funds this would be my last combo. 
Liquid CD treatments?
Great article by the good doc in positive feedback. Read the article carefully, these results are ONLY in ONE system, using ONE disc, not enough mix IMO to make it as valid as it could have been. Yes it would take a lot more work and some have don... 
How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?
Tbg, looks like very few (no one actually) is intersted in this thread but I've been doing more experiements and now have determined that re-Nespaing CD's make little difference after 2 weeks. A small difference after 4 weeks and a bit biger after... 
Townshend Sink or something else?
2nd vote for a Vibraplane....nothing even comes close! 
I heard a recent Stibbert against a new Lector 7Ti and the Lector was the more musical IMO. The Stibbert was good just more sterile sounding and had no warmth or pace to it. Each to their own. 
How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?
Tbg, I have tried the IC and it rarely makes a difference. Sometimes I think it does, then I say no it doesn't. The Nespa ALWAYS makes a BIG differnce, nothing you have to even think about, you just know! The wife hears a differnce, even my kids c... 
How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?
Tbg, after how long a period did you wait between zaps? I just re-did an original Nespa'ed CD that I did just over 3 weeks ago, the improvement was very slight, if any, not worth the effort. Still on a new CD the improvement is so great that it st... 
How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?
Has anyone tried to re-nespa a CD after a months time and hear any improvements? Sometimes I forget if I've Nespaed a particular CD so I do it again, always hear an improvement, sometimes not huge others HUGE! I was wondering if it might be the ca... 
How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?
Tbg, OK, I've now had the opportunity to try the 3D-X. It is very good, maybe equal to the #8500, they both excel in certain areas, but ultimately I like the #8500 but each to their own. 
Kondo audio Note MC Step up Transformer
Khak8...I also had a chance to compare a current Kondo SFZ step-up into an M77 with an AN-UK S8 and the Kondo SFZ was FAR better in that system. Most likely system and cartidge dependant. (BTW was using the IO-j 0.15mV Kondo cartridge...what a tre... 
Kondo audio Note MC Step up Transformer
I've used Kondo-sans step-ups for over 8 years now and would not listen without one in my system BUT it really is synergistic with a Kondo-san MM phono stage IMHO. Yes, it can be used with any other MM phono unit but to get the best out of the Kon...