Puritan PSM156

Hello All,

 I came across this product while searching Power Conditioners. Puritan PSM156.

 Does anyone have one, or, does anyone know anything about it, and how it would stand up to or even better the more popular and well known brands?

@jriggy I have ‘til the 31st to return it.  I’ve plugged the unit into a 20 amp dedicated circuit socket & it sounds better to my ears (albeit subjectively so as with anyone).   I’ll continue to demo it and make a decision from there.  If I don’t keep it I don’t know if that’s reflective of the unit itself.  Likely just a personal preference based on what I’m hearing in my set up.

 I can say it appears to acclimate with continued use or my ears are adjusting to what it offers through continued use.  In that regard I may be premature in my early assessment of the device.

Update:  I’m keeping the unit.  I don’t ordinarily buy into component break in…but this unit has transformed and/or settled in since the initial week of using it.  All of the various low level noises that I heard are now gone.  The unit is also transparent.  It does what it’s supposed to do while leaving the dynamics in tact with a blacker background.

@twinski66 Congratulations 👍 Your findings with the 156 mirror mine. My system is deathly silent with the 156, but it doesn't subdued dynamics at all.

I later added the Ground City, but if I'm honest, I can't say there was further improvement. I guess the benefits from the Ground City will depend on the power supply where you live

I dont trust any power conditioner that people dont plug their power amps into (which is almost all of them)

found the synergistic research series of PCs with upgraded cord and tuning modules, my search is complete. Not really my goal to sell you on another more expensive conditioner, but rather just point out the puritan restricts dynamics


@questforhifi you have tried a Puritan PSM156 in your system? And you found it restricted dynamics?