QLN Speakers anyone

I am in the market for speakers and I just tried out a set of Harbeth 30’s and some NSMT Model 50’s.
The Harbeth have a wonderful midrange, but the soundstage was very narrow and the speakers struggled with complex music. They became jumbled sounding, little separation between instruments and lacked clarity except on uncomplex passages.

The NSMT have a wide soundstage, tight image, and lots of air. More bottom end as well. But the midrange sounded “thin”. It lacked warmth and fullness and definitely didn’t sound “real” to my ears. But darn good considering they are 1/3 the price of the Harbeth.
The audio dealer I purchased my Innuos streaming setup from, Choice Audio, recommended I give a pair of QLN Prestige One’s a try. He said the soundstage on them is very expansive and they have a very full and natural sound. They are bookshelf sized, similar in style and price to the Harbeth. He is shipping me a pair in a couple of days. Looking forward to giving them a try. Made in Sweden, so maybe they will matchup nicely with my Hegel H120…
Wondering if anyone has any experience with these? I had never heard of them before.

I will report back after I get them.


I personally own a pair of the Prestige Fives driven by Jeff Rowland preamp and power amps and am most happy with the sound quality. For their size the speakers have a strong and tight bass response as well as wide sound stage. The speakers have a very lively sound and do a good job pushing out the music!

I've owned QLN Signature Splitfield IIs for almost 25 years and they're excellent speakers. I heard the latest from QLN at CAF 2019 ... don't recall the model, but it was one of the best sounds at the show, for me. Similar in presentation to Audio Physic speakers....a wonderful disappearing act.

I am getting very excited to get a listen to the QLNs.  They shipped today….

I will definitely give a report.

I have spent a day with the QLN P1s.   Quick summary is that are good monitors and probably warrant the cost. The midrange is very solid and natural sounding, soundstage and image are good, and they excel at laid back music like Bill Evans, Diana Krall, Laura Marling, etc. However, they are VERY “laid back” and lack IMO sufficient detail, air and punch to be considered a great all around speaker.

They do not generate excitement so much as a relaxed satisfaction.  Case in point.  On the BS&T song God Bless the Child, when the horns first come in I am used to feeling their impact and “punch”, and it puts a smile on my face.  On the QLNs they had no impact.  It was as if something was missing compared to other speakers I have had in my system.  
Dealer says the P3s will have a similar sound profile, which is good, and will add more detail and punch due to a better crossover and larger cabinets, plus better foundation (the P1s are sitting on stools, not optimal).  I am undecided.  If the P3 substantially improved on the P1 weak points, I think I would be happy with them.  But if the improvement is only minor I am not sure.

I think I may try a pair of Zu Soul VI before I make a decision.  

I think I may try a pair of Zu Soul VI before I make a decision.  

I wouldn’t do that.  You need to give the QLNs at least 150 hours before judging them.  If they don’t warm up to you I’d highly recommend Verity Audio.  Highly musical and detailed with an incredible 3D soundstage.  But, my bet, as the QLNs break in you’re gonna be pretty happy.  My speakers sounded broken until I had 100+ hours on them and thought I made a horrible mistake.  Give’em some time!