Qobuz vs. Tidal

Greetings to all,

I'm sure this has been asked before. Which do you prefer and why? Qobuz customer service is worse than terrible. Is Tidal CS any better? 

What about selection? 

Thank you!


@greg_f  I'm a metal head.  I find Qobuz to have a more hi res  choices.  In the other hand Tidal does have a few more obscure bands if you're into extreme metal. 

In my opinion, Qobuz sounds cleaner and more refined to my ears. While both streaming services don't quite match up to a locally stored file on a correctly copied hard drive, Qobuz stands out for its superior high-resolution files. On the other hand, Tidal tends to feel more confined and less expansive. Depending on the album, I perceive Tidal to be somewhat rougher and less smooth overall, whereas Qobuz offers a clearer and slightly better clarity.

I have both but I should really cancel Qobuz. Tidal has got some incredible features that I use regularly, such as My Mix. I need to figure out what is in my library specific to Qobuz. If it is not too much, I am dumping Qobuz.