QSA wall plates?

I've had some degree of success installing blue, yellow and purple QSA fuses across my digital sources and amp.  The amp's internal yellow fuse in particular caused a big jump in SQ.

The UK QSA distributor recently recommended QSA wall-plates to me.  He indicated their impact might be greater than that of their fuses.

Of course, I have to question his objectivity, and take his recommendation with a pinch of salt, but has anyone tried QSA mains wall plates?  I'd be interested to know if they're worth trying.

(and yes, I know there is/was a dedicated QSA thread - but it seems dead, probably due to the open warfare conducted on it)


I am always skeptical of audiophile companies that make big claims for their products but never post any specifications, tests, or even typical graphs of what their components do or how they improve things.  These are UK grid units but whatever they do would be applicable to the NA grid, it is just different voltages and mains frequencies. 

In your case, your best solution is to either trust them, since you have had luck with them in the past, or not trust them and pass on it.   If you do buy them, you can decide if they work suitably for your system.

One thing to remember is if they do make an improvement but they don't justify the cost, at least you have an improvement you can live with.  If they don't make an improvement or make things worse, I would send them back for a refund and verify you can do this before you buy them.

It’s been a long time since I posted my original query. Here I am years later with a drink in my hand stumbling across it.

So, for the sake of completeness, and for future generations and civilisations who might wonder also about the benefits of QSA wall plates I will set out now my conclusions....and yes I did buy the double red wall plate.

Simply, the £700 I spent on a double wall plate was roughly the same as I spent on our new rinky-dinky Bosch fridge-freezer (my wife loves it). In that perspective any rational person might conclude I was a reckless fool. Yes and no. The impact of this simple wall plate was greater than any other upgrade I subjected my system to. Better than any cable, any mains conditioner costing far more.

How is this possible? No idea. I have a Masters in Computing Science and yet I don’t completely 100% understand how a PC works, nose to tail. This doesn’t mean, however, that a PC doesn’t work just cos I don’t understand it. Likewise, I don’t have to understand how QSA products work. But work, they do.

After much swapping around over the intervening months I’ve discovered that any component with an analogue stage will benefit the most. So, I have my Hegel integrated amp in one socket, and my Gustard DAC in the other. Moving my DAC plug from my Isotek mains conditioner to the QSA was perhaps the biggest surprise. It really is that obvious. I guess we’ve all kidded ourselves that cable A sounds different to cable B if we listen hard enough. With QSA you don’t have to stare at the sound, just sit back and enjoy the new.

I just wish I’d spent double and bought the red-black wall plate instead.

IIRC, doesn’t QSA offer 30 day free trial? if so, simply try it yourself to discover if “you” like it enough to purchase. Many very positive reviews.  Moving up a QSA line can get very expensive, only you can determine if it’s worth your money.