Quack System Upgrades

Ok, so what's the most ridiculous "SNAKE OIL" upgrade you have come across?

Let the fun begin HAHAHA :) :)

Hi Randy and Geoff,

I personally witnessed Ted zapping an AC receptacle with the Tesla coil. Very impressive, but I would not venture to argue as to whether this meets the criteria for true "Quantum Tunneling". What I do know is that I have sent items to SR since for the Tesla-coil zapping and once re-installed, they imparted an improved sense of frequency extension, openness and soundstaging to my system.

Randy, I’m afraid that I did not do a blind/double blind test (impossible due to the time lag) so my impressions are completely subjective and subject to expectation bias.

Best to you both,

Quantum Tunneling was recently demonstrated in semi-conductor devices beyond just diodes
The Red X Pen is much funnier than Quantum Tunneling. Even the Mpingo disc is funnier than Quantum Tunneling.

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