Quad L12 vs Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand

Greetings all-

So I’m looking for a secondary set of monitors to add to my system. Just something to switch things up a bit..I’m interested in thoughts here...I’ve narrowed my choices down to the Quad L12 & Vienna Acoustic Haydn Grand. 

PL Prologue 3
BS Node2i
Sonus Faber Concertinos (vintage)
I had the 21L2 back then as well.  Liked them quite a bit.  They have nice detail in the top end.  I thought they sounded slightly thin but I really liked them.  Beautiful finishes too.  I recommend them.
I don't know about the Sonus Fabers. But the Quads would mot be overly warm. They are very musical with great imaging.
@b_limo ,I did not know you owned the 21L2. Man, you went through a ton of speakers :-)

So I went with the Vienna Acoustic Haydn Grand and so far (day 2 in system) it’s pretty damn nice. In comparison to my SF Concertinos, the most obvious difference is the Haydn’s top end which is a bit rolled off (most evident with female vocals) I’ll say the SF upper end is nicer. The Haydn puts out an impressive kick in the low end which the SF cannot match. The soundstage is a toss up, SF soundstage is deeper, the Haydn’s wider and slightly forward. Imaging is excellent and about equal so far. The SF sounds better (more lush) at lower volumes (ie: late night listening) whereas the Haydn is more capable of playing classic rock at moderate levels....both are built exquisitely...no clear winner here. Very interesting and fun stuff.