Question regarding Krell HTS7.1 and Bel Canto EVO

Hi All:
I have a very strange problem with a Krell HTS 7.1 and a Bel Canto EVO6 amp. Both units are plugged into a Monster Power AVS 2000 and a HPS 7000. If I turn on the Pre Pro first and then the Bel Canto, the Krell displays it's model info and then turns off! The two units are not connected through a trigger. The only connections that are common are the IC's and the Monster units. If I reverse the process and turn on the amp first, there is no problem. The Bel Canto brochere on the amp cautions against an earth ground and of courst the Monsters are grounded as required. Any suggestions?
Thanks/ 51derrill (Bill)
Hi All:

I have found the answer to my question, and I thought other members might be interested. According to Krell, the problem is current! Avter the Pre Pro is turned on, the addition of eight channels of amplication starting up, the Krell experiences a "Brown Out" and turs itself off./ Bill
AFAIK, the BC instructions caution against an earth-ground for the speaker connections, not for power or input ground.
