Good to know. I have ordered an Etherregen and waiting for its delivery so I am not there yet.
This was in response to the company above who will take your switch (Cisco) and wire in an upgraded clock for 375 euro. The point above is stating it may not be better than the $30 clock in the etherregen. Now I haven't listened to either of these switches, and it is clear the upgraded Cisco switch should sound better than the stock Cisco switch, but based on Swenson's engineering experience explained above, I find it hard to believe it will best the etherregen. After all, the "cheap" clock isn't the only part doing good in the etherregen. Transparency wise, It is to be noted that Uptone specifies what they use, whereas other companies it is not so explicit what clock they are using.
But sure, big spending for the clock in the quality required, whether Antelope, Mutek which is many multiples of the price of the etherregen I would hope would improve the sonics. There must be a reason Esoteric and DCS have $15000-30000 clocks. I am going to do myself a favour and not listen to these :)
Maybe Uptone's next product will be a $2000-$3000 super-etherregen, with an upgraded clock and other bits?
But in your experience, clock first or upgraded power supply first for the ER?