Quick Luxman R-117 question

Owners or non-owners - does anyone know if the Speaker A & Speaker B outputs are identical as far as specs/load are concerned. I don't know if it's common for A & B outputs to have different specs. Tried looking around but could not find or understand the information I need. Thank you.


@mofojo Ah crud, well i'll give it a try, then look at cleaning or

@erik_squires replacing them, if that's easy enough. Thanks for the help!

Putting the volume slightly above 25% seems to override any problem, but that's just a tad too loud unless I'm really vibing. Volume knob was wonky when I got it, so could be related to that.

And yeah @mofojo it's an absolute pleasure sound-wise, this issue aside!


I had an amp (Onkyo) where the A and B speaker outputs were separate amplifiers on their own heatsinks. Even the circuit diagram confirmed this. You could run A, B, or A+B.

they are likely in series with a jumper so you are probably going to see the same issue.

The R117 uses 4 SPST 16A rated 24V relays, 2 for speaker A and 2 for speaker B. I think the Omron GR2-1A-E-24V could be used as a replacement.