"Best" bookshelf/monitor for low-power amp?

I'm looking for recommendations to mate to a low-power 30wpc Red Wine 30.2 amp.

I was thinking moderately priced (no more than $5k used) high-efficiency monitors, for probably near-field-like listening. For a home-office application, so space is an issue and big ol' floorstanders will be too much. Digital audio only (via a DAC). Mix of music, jazz, classical, lots of female vocalists. Some rock for good measure. Okay, so, a little bit of everything. :-)

Room is 12x10x9 with glass on 3 sides (windows on 2, french doors on 3rd). Speakers will be able to be 2-3 ft from wall, bracketing french doors, shooting down longest axis at windows (with me and desk directly in front).

Currently on the chart, Zu Tone, GMA Callisto or Eos III. After that, I'm kinda stuck. I'd love to do something like a Harbeth SHL5 or Focal 1007 Be, but I'm worried that they'll just be "okay" with such a low powered amp (they're pretty inefficient).

Suggestions and input welcome. And yes, I know this is similar to other threads, but the caveat here is that I'm looking for "high-efficiency monitors" not just "best ever".

Thanks in advance ....
Triangle Titus or Comete fit the bill and could save you a lot of $$$s in the process. Maybe later add a sub with teh money saved if you feel a need.
The AP Yara is rated at 4 ohms, but it's a very easy 4 ohms, from what I'm told. Phase angle has a lot to do with that, but I'm not a techie, so I defer. And it doesnt go much below 4 ohms, I believe. And you are correct in PSBs are harder to drive than they seem on paper. My Image T55s were higher in impedence and sensitivity than my Yaras, yet the PSBs made my Bruston B60 a lot hotter than my Yaras ever did. It's a moot point anyway, as the current Yara monitor isn't nearly as good as the one it replaced IMO. I'd skip it.

The Step is an excellent speaker. Should definitely be heard if you have a dealer nearby.

One that hadn't been mentioned yet is the PMC TB2i. Don't know about specs, but they seem relatively easy to drive and sound great.
02-13-12: Goldprintaudio
I would suggest adding Joseph Audio Pulsars to your list also. They are easily some of the best bookshelves I've ever heard and fall into your specs perfectly.

And yes, I am a Joseph dealer.


I have had the opportunity once to audition the Pulsars, and was extremely impressed. However, are the Pulsars high enough in efficiency to be driven effectively by a 30wpc amplifier? In the review I read of them in The Absolute sound they made the comment that the lower powered tube amplifiers were less than ideal with them, and that "any decent solid-state amplifier with over 100 watts of RMS power should be fine with the Pulsars.".
I have had very good luck with several lower powered amps driving the Pulsars. The Manley Stingray sounds great, as does the Cary SLI80. I've even tried them with a few Audion amps with high teens and low twenties power ratings, and they sounded pretty good. You do lose some bottom end control as you go lower and lower.

While 100 watts of SS power will certainly make them sing, I would not rule out tube amps as an option.