"Best" DAC for a grand or less

I am looking for a DAC for under a grand . I want something to favor the bass side ,as now my system is a bit on the bright side.I would like it to have a usb port also.My system now is......
Hafler pre amp
Counterpoint solid 1a amp (100 watts)
Nad 515 cd player
Tekton Lore speakers
I'm a DAC rookie, and want to get a DAC. I have a tube pre (Lamm LL2D) and tube amp (McIntosh MC275), would I still benefit from a tubed DAC? I am leaning towards SS DAC, but that's from pure speculation as I haven't tried any (BTW, can't audition around here...). Hopefully more experienced members can provide some guidance.

Chicago , you only stated half my question . The rest was , I was looking for added bass, if that is possible from a dac.
It appears to be silly to waste more energy on the "accuracy from specifications" nonsense.

Another DAC that comes to mind for <$1000 is the Sonic Frontiers SFD1 and 2 series. This is from the same time as the Processor 3 series which was highly received by many viewers.....and also used the UltraAnalog chip set. 8-)
Chicagojtw, you may be confusing thin, bright sound with accuracy, unless you're listening to Britny Spears all the time.