"Upgrade" C-J MF2500A to Pass X250, SimAudio, Or?

I currently have a C-J MF2500A, Cary SLP98, Cary 303-200, Fanfare tuner, etc. driving B&W M802 S3's, in a 12x16" room. I'm actually fairly happy with the sound, but have the upgrade bug; you know how it is. The B&W's like plenty of power, so I'm thinking of high-current SS amps. For some reason I've always had an urge towards a Pass Labs X250--but would that be an "upgrade" to the 240w MF2500A? Also, I've heard that the Pass Labs amps really need balanced IC's to sound their best, which my Cary pre-amp doesn't have. I've also considered Sim Audio, Plinius, or one of the newer McIntosh amps. I'd buy anything I get used. And weight is a factor--even the X250 is twice the weight of my C-J amp, so I don't want to go much over 100 lbs., max. Thanks in advance for any advice!
I went form the CJ 2500 to Herron Mono's. I love the sound. I also, for ease of life issues, wanted to stay in SS.

The rest Audio Physic Virgo II, Thule 1000 CD, Michell Gyro Dec, Polk Cobra speaker cables, Coincident IC & PC.
Try the new Jeff Rowland 201 or 501 mono blocks. I've auditioned both of them at home with my Wadia 301 and B&W 804 speakers. Both the JR amps look and sound similar (neutral, tonally well balanced with excellent low level resolution), the more powerful 501(600watts p/ch) offering more ease to the presentation at higher volumes. These amps are surprizingly small and run very cool. I bought the 201s!

I'm running my Wadia direct into the 201s with very satisfying effect. However, I'd say adding a tube pre into the mix such as the Cary would provide a very seductive sound.