"Upgrade" C-J MF2500A to Pass X250, SimAudio, Or?

I currently have a C-J MF2500A, Cary SLP98, Cary 303-200, Fanfare tuner, etc. driving B&W M802 S3's, in a 12x16" room. I'm actually fairly happy with the sound, but have the upgrade bug; you know how it is. The B&W's like plenty of power, so I'm thinking of high-current SS amps. For some reason I've always had an urge towards a Pass Labs X250--but would that be an "upgrade" to the 240w MF2500A? Also, I've heard that the Pass Labs amps really need balanced IC's to sound their best, which my Cary pre-amp doesn't have. I've also considered Sim Audio, Plinius, or one of the newer McIntosh amps. I'd buy anything I get used. And weight is a factor--even the X250 is twice the weight of my C-J amp, so I don't want to go much over 100 lbs., max. Thanks in advance for any advice!
Don't stree oout with balanced connections. The pass x250 can sound great with tube preamp without balanced output. I prefer certain tube pre over X1 with my x150. don't know about CJ2500 vs x250

I would replace the cables in your system first which I think is a first rate setup otherwise.

Blue Heaven and Cardas speaker wire have not worked for me in my system with the BH being thin a lifeless and the Cardas was boring. I bet if you replaced both with something like Audience AU24 you would be amazed at the increase in detail, image size, soundstage and lifelike presence. These are not especially expensive cables but would be a big step up IMO.

Just my 2 cents...

I went form the CJ 2500 to Herron Mono's. I love the sound. I also, for ease of life issues, wanted to stay in SS.

The rest Audio Physic Virgo II, Thule 1000 CD, Michell Gyro Dec, Polk Cobra speaker cables, Coincident IC & PC.
Try the new Jeff Rowland 201 or 501 mono blocks. I've auditioned both of them at home with my Wadia 301 and B&W 804 speakers. Both the JR amps look and sound similar (neutral, tonally well balanced with excellent low level resolution), the more powerful 501(600watts p/ch) offering more ease to the presentation at higher volumes. These amps are surprizingly small and run very cool. I bought the 201s!

I'm running my Wadia direct into the 201s with very satisfying effect. However, I'd say adding a tube pre into the mix such as the Cary would provide a very seductive sound.