Raidho D1/C1.1 vs Dynaudio C1 vs Magico Q1

I am looking to upgrade to a state of the art monitor speaker. Excellent dynamics, transparecy (without dryness),coherent sound and impressive bass extension (for a monitor) are the characteristics I am looking for. The partnering equipment is Resolution audio Cantata (source), Marantz SC-7s2 (pre-amp) & Burmester 956 mk. II (amplifier). I would appreciate if any of the members (who own these or have auditioned and compared these) can give me some valuable feedback/impressions on how these speakers compare to one another (I realize that the Dynaudio is at a much lower price point). I know the technology in the Raidho monitors is very impressive but is the sound that much more special?
Where I live, I do not have access to any dealer who has these brands.
Many thanks!
Very timely for me as well. I am trying to decide between the Raidho C1.1 and Sonus Faber Guarneri Memento. I am going to audition the C1.1 this weekend.
I have $50,000 to spend. Please tell me what is the best speaker for me to purchase.

The Dynaudio's will mate very well with the 956 mkII. Stands,of course will be of high quality for these C1's, that adds to the cost. Dynaudio speakers love power! I drive some Contour 3.0's (circa 1998) they are rated at 200w. With my McIntosh solid state amp, I can easily play them at 350-400W. Also, I have had the same speakers for over a dozen years and they still kick butt! Very dependable is what I say about Dynaudio.
As a Dyn C1 sig owner I have auditioned the Raidho D1 (not the C1.1). The D1 is a much better sounding speaker except they don't go as low as the Dyn C1's. The Raidho's are a slightly more revealing sound without being too forward. I was really amazed with the Raidho's but in the end I could own 3 pairs of the Dyn C1 sig's for the price of the D1's. That being said the Dyn C1 MKII/sig is quite an amazing speaker by itself.

If I could afford the D1's I would own them. The finish is much nicer too (my C1's are Mocha and the D1's were a burled walnut). Haven't heard the Magico's.
I have heard the Dyaudio C1, Raidho D-1 and Magico M5. Of these speakers I liked the Magico the least. The Raiido speakers are very very good. However I would still not buy them. Personally I think spending close to €20k on stand mount speakers is a bridge to far even if I had that kind of money which I will never ever will have. And I think the Raidho could use a subwoofer as well.
For the money I think the Totem Mani-2 sig is one of the best stand mount speakers that does not need a sub.

An other idea is active stand mound speakers like the Adam Tensor Delta and then add one or two active subwoofers.