The clue that struck me is the possible/apparent interaction when you approach/leave the turntable.
This may be a variant of Grado hum, caused by its famously minimal shielding and susceptibility to electromagnetic fields. Your body may be affecting the surrounding fields in some way the cartridge is detecting. Are you in a location where static electricity has started to build up as colder/drier winter air approaches? That would tend to confirm the hypothesis.
Many people have issues with Grados on Rega tables due to proximity to the motor. Layering the underside of the platter with foil is sometimes said to help. Try that, can't hurt.
This may be a variant of Grado hum, caused by its famously minimal shielding and susceptibility to electromagnetic fields. Your body may be affecting the surrounding fields in some way the cartridge is detecting. Are you in a location where static electricity has started to build up as colder/drier winter air approaches? That would tend to confirm the hypothesis.
Many people have issues with Grados on Rega tables due to proximity to the motor. Layering the underside of the platter with foil is sometimes said to help. Try that, can't hurt.