Rate my rig

Rate my rig here

Showing 7 responses by glory


Very bad grammar you have there son. Did you finish HS? Maybe go back to school and get a better Ed U Ma Kation which will leed to a better job to buy much better gear than you have.
troll (pron.: /ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is someone who posts inflammatory,extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

You should go back to the thread you initially posted the troll response and apologize.

My post was not trolling, just a response to a rude troll.

Have a great day!
Jperry (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)


I for one am with Jperry. You owe the young rookie an apologie on the other thread you were so rude on. You can dish it out big time but when you reap what you sow you fall apart.

3000 was very rude to a rookies on another thread when the rook asked for help. We need to encourage rookies in this hobby and not run them off.

I am soory is what 3000 needs to come up with. I have been a smart A$$ in the past and I have had to draw back when members say that is enough.

3000 was very rude to a rookies on another thread when the rook asked for help. We need to encourage rookies in this hobby and not run them off.

I am soory is what 3000 needs to come up with. I have been a smart A$$ in the past and I have had to draw back when members say that is enough.
"I have since sold the cam for $20 to finance a better cam, a Canon with mic jack, also picked up a krell dac, when my Classe gets out of the shop and I do some mic rolling I am going to post a rate my rig mk2."

Where is Mk2 so we can rate?