Raven One Motor Noise Problem

I've just received my Raven One and have not played an LP because I'm waiting to get my amp back from CJ.

When it's quiet in my room, I can hear the motor when standing in front of the TT at 33rpm...Not noisy but audible. When I switch the speed to 45rpm it's dead silent but the noise comes back switching to 33.

Has anyone experienced this with their Raven?

Showing 1 response by halcro

I have the Raven AC-3 and at one point I heard a noise which I located to one of the motors.
The pulleys on top of the motors are attached to the spindles via an Allen Key screw so I loosened this screw and pulled the pulley up slightly and re-tightened the screw.
No more noise.
It turned out that the pulley was pushed too far down the spindle and rubbed against the top of the motor casing as it turned?
An easy fix to try.