RCA cable lenght

I have been thinking of going with mono's at my speakers, but i am concerned about the length of the single ended cables. They would have to be at least 28 ft. long. I read somewhere a long time ago that you could not run them over twenty ft.

Could someone enlighten me.

Showing 2 responses by mwilliams


Thanks for the detailed info. It was very helpful.

One more question

I have a Bryston intergrated amp with Wilson Sofia's and using 35ft. Tranparent Ultra's. I was thinking of trying some tube mono's and using the Bryston as a pre. Would it be better to put the amps with the pre and keep the speaker cables and shorter interconnects or the longer interconnects and shorter speaker cables


Thanks for your research and explnation.

For space and heat purposes I would rather have the amps behind the speakers.

Now comes the process of which amp to use, but that is another thread for another day.

Thanks again for everyones input.
