RCA to XLR cable ok from DVP to Pre/Pro?

I want to use a high quality CDP/DVP in my HT setup. I am seriously considering buying one of several pre/pros (ie, Classe SSP600, Parasound C1/C2) that only allow 2 channel analogue bypass/passthrough via XLR balanced inputs from CDP/DVP, but I may only have unbalanced RCA out. Will I significantly degrade SQ (or defeat purpose) by using an RCA-to-XLR cable to overcome this obstacle? Thanks much. Jeff
The principal value of balanced cables as I understand it is relative immunity from extraneous signals. They are the cables of choice for long runs. For short runs, I suspect it's unlikely to make much difference, although balanced output may have received more attention in the design stage of a particular product.

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Thanks guys. Bob, I don't know if it's a major concern, that's why I'm asking :)....but thanks for the transformer suggestion. For $200, it may be worth trying. I just don't understand why so many of the better AVP's only offer balanced input for their analogue bypass (Parasound C1/C2, Classe SSP600, etc)
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I'm a fan of balanced as well. In a true balanced circuit, the noise floor is said to be lower. Their are some mfg who only make single ended compoents, i.e., Conrad Johnson, etc., so I guess they don't agree with that philosophy. There is gear which just sounds better through using the balanced outputs (Esoteric, Musical Fidelity, etc). Not loooking to start a flame war... Just what I have read and what I have heard.