RCM Sensore Prelude OR Zesto Andros PS1 Phono?

Hi All. I have the opportunity to purchase either one of these two phono stages. My problem is i would be doing so with only having heard the RCM Sensor Prelude. Whilst i think this is a great phono stage i am wondering if anyone has heard both the Sensor Prelude AND the Zesto Andros in their setup and if they could convey their thoughts to assist me with my decision making process. I can't find any online reviews that compares both of them in the same review. There are great individual reviews for both of these items. So keen to get other perspectives and especially keen to hear if anyone has heard both? Thank You
Well, you're talking apples and oranges. The RCM is a solid state while the Andros is a tube preamp so I'm not sure how meaningful any comparison would be outside of your system. Is the rest of your system tubes or ss? What cartridge will you be using?

I happen to own the new version of the RCM (the Furutech version) and in my otherwise all tube system the RCM sounds very clean, very transparent, neutral, and dynamic. But you already know that since you're familiar with this product.

The Andros is also quite a bit more expensive so you need to take that into consideration as well unless it's not a factor. From what I've heard about the Andros, it sounds like you can't go wrong with either unit, all else being equal.
Thank you for your response. I have a tube pre-amp and my speakers are active (Adam Tensor Gamma). Although i wouldn't expect to have to run from phono to pre-amp to speakers. Whilst the units in terms of cost are different that is not a consideration. I am merely talking in "absolute" terms here. I am just trying to ascertain if it is worth the upgrade to a Zesto Andros from a Sensor Prelude and the price difference is not that substantial (after i sell my Prelude should i purchase a Zesto).
What cartridge would you be using?
And am I understanding correctly that you already have the Prelude?