Re-biasing a CJ Premier 8

I am considering to get a used CJ Premier 8 amp, current tubes are 75%-50% of their life (12 6550 per side) and dealer recommends me to re-tube both units.

1.- Which are the best options considering a high price/performance ratio?

2.- Any word on domestic Svetlanas vs fying "c" options?

3.- What about trying KT90´s?

Thanks for your feedback.

Thye prem 8a's sound just fine with the Svetlana 6550's. Lew Johnson strongly recommends them.
I have also used EV KT88's and they sound slightly different. They are a little leaner in the bass so give the impression of slightly more extension.
I would listen to the amps as is , then make a decision on how it integrates into your system.
Downunder -I´ve done that and really liked the sound of the Premier8, I was just wondering tube recommendations for the neccesary re-tubing this unit needs shortly.

Since the Avalons does not go that low, I think I will lean towards a more robust sounding tube, looks like the 6550 is such a ticket.

If you're about to spend a perhaps over a thousand dollars on tubes, spend a few bucks on the recent issue of 'Vacuum Tube Valley' that has MUCH info on new and old 6550s/KT88s/KT90s.

A 2-amp set of Ei KT90s from The Tube Depot would be $560.
Fernando, I don't know where you are getting your price quotes, but I just check the web site of Triode Electronic's. He is selling matched quads of SED (the old Svetlana brand) for 95.90. According to my calculations that would bring the cost of retubing your amps to less than $400. I've used him many times. Very reliable and the product is guaranteed. I'm using these tubes in my amps at this time - I've yet to have a premature failure.
I guess the retube price includes the 12 driver tubes 6fq7 (8)and 5751's(4)----These make a big difference to be sure.