Your english mastery exceeded mine ...I am a philosopher but in audio i am pragmatic ...
Doing the best possible with a low cost system/room was pragmatic , as reading about basic acoustics instead of possible upgrading gear reviews ... Tuning my room was pragmatic ...
There is an "accuracy" of the measures set of electrical parameters in audio material design ...
There is another concept of "accuracy" derived from acoustics basic science parameters and derived from informed musical experience , this is why there is always a consensual agreement when a playback system /room sound optimally ...
I imagine that when you speak of accuracy you refer to the second acception of the word ...
My best to you sincerely in spite of our sometimes disagrements...😉
@mahgister ,
No, I speak the most horrible english ever, but far better than I write.
I am not a philosopher, I am a pragmatist. As others have mentioned, there is no such thing as accurate in regards to reproducing the actual event. With most studio recordings there is no actual event, there are multiple small events pieced together in the mind of the mastering engineer.
It is not so much that an audio system is accurate, it is with the proper recording that a system can convince you you are at the actual event. This in itself is a moving target because it depends on how the individual hears things. There is no way to absolve ourselves from the fact that this is a personal experience.
What I have noticed, in spite of what I said above, is that everytime I am in the presence of a remarkable system everyone else seems to come to the same conclusion. There is a shared concept of accurate reproduction even if it is hard to quantify. It is one of those, "you’ll know when you get there," events.