Recommend good satellite speakers?

Because of my living situation (efficiancy apartment, paper thin walls, lack of funds, etc.), I have been looking at some satellite speaker options. I really only need a pair for the time being. Something that will image well, and WON'T give me too much bass thump (the person living below me has already reported me for 8 noise violations in one month). Just something that will allow me to hear some nice detail on a wide variety of music, and will be able to handle other sources (PlayStation 2, digital cable, VCR, DVD, etc.) at least reasonably well. Now, I'm as anti-Bose as the next intelligent person, but I was wondering if there's something good along those same lines. Thanks in advance for your help.
I have had recent experience with a couple of monitor speakers that I liked a lot: the Krix Equinox ($600 MSRP) and the Coincident Technology Triumph Signature ($1200 MSRP). Both have decent bass response down to about 55 Hz, so they give the illusion of good bass without creating problems for your neighbors. The Coincidents are also quite efficient, and VERY well made with first-class cabinetry (Israel Blume is making some great speakers).

Another inexpensive speaker which has gotten very good reviews is a Renaud model -- the Twin? Not sure about the name, but it retails for about $750. You might look at the review of small speakers ($500-750) that was published about a year ago in "Listener" magazine. The article was where I learned about the Krix speakers, which I am currently using in a system in my office.
You don't mention what price range you're willing to go, but some totally wonderful satellites are the Revel Gems. They are amazing. They will last you forever, just add a subwoofer when you finally move.
I just recently put in a surround sound system for the den. I used the NHT SuperZeros. I have been very pleased with the result. They have no bass to speak of, but they have very nice midrange and highs. At around $100 apiece, they won't bust your budget either.
Have you considered going the high-end headphone route? A nice pair of Sennheiser's and a Headroom amp might be your best bet in your living situation...
Even before I got to the previous post, I too was thinking about headphones. I live in an apartment as well and my neighbors are not well insulated from the sound of my system. I find the circa 1990 set of Stax headphones I bought here exceptionally comfortable (both physically and in terms of listening fatigue) for late night listening sessions, television, movies, etc. Extension cords are avaiable. Much better on both counts than the Grado SR-325's I sometimes use in the office--though the source I have those hooked up to is not as good. The Grados do have better bass. --Scott