I have had recent experience with a couple of monitor speakers that I liked a lot: the Krix Equinox ($600 MSRP) and the Coincident Technology Triumph Signature ($1200 MSRP). Both have decent bass response down to about 55 Hz, so they give the illusion of good bass without creating problems for your neighbors. The Coincidents are also quite efficient, and VERY well made with first-class cabinetry (Israel Blume is making some great speakers).
Another inexpensive speaker which has gotten very good reviews is a Renaud model -- the Twin? Not sure about the name, but it retails for about $750. You might look at the review of small speakers ($500-750) that was published about a year ago in "Listener" magazine. The article was where I learned about the Krix speakers, which I am currently using in a system in my office.
Another inexpensive speaker which has gotten very good reviews is a Renaud model -- the Twin? Not sure about the name, but it retails for about $750. You might look at the review of small speakers ($500-750) that was published about a year ago in "Listener" magazine. The article was where I learned about the Krix speakers, which I am currently using in a system in my office.