Recommendations for against the wall high efficiency speakers

I’m a believer in synergy, not individual components.   I’m setting up a new system in my condo and like most condos, I’ve got some limitations.   My room is 16’ wide and 35’ long, 9’ height.   The system will be placed 2/3 down on the long wall.   It’s the living room and my wife says no ugly room treatments as it’s our living room.   Just to head this off - I don’t need a new wife.    I listen at moderate levels (usually 70-85db).   Mostly progressive rock and jazz, all streamed, no phono.   Budget is $8k, for used speakers.   Once the speakers are mostly set, I'll work on amps, preamp, DAC, streamer, & cables ($25k all in budget, all used components).


The speakers will need to be placed right up next to the wall, so I was thinking of Ohm or Larsen, but these aren't very efficient – are there other options?   I’d like much higher efficiency as I like the dynamic presentation I generally get with that setup, but I don’t know of any efficient speakers I can place next to the wall.


I can add subs, if necessary, but I do need to take into account my neighbors above and below me.


I should add that historically, I've really preferred the sound of dipoles or open-baffle designs, but I don't have the space for them here.


Any suggestions or recommendations for my new-to-me main speakers?


I recently moved up the Zu line from Soul VI to Druid V (not VI).  Outstanding speakers from a value/performance perspective...and they have a great WAF.  I'm thinking of selling my Soul VI if you're interested.

I have the same constraints, but specifically need corner placement. I had been focusing on AN speakers, but wound up demoing and placing an order for a pair of Charney Maestros. He has two for corner placement, and one for front wall placement. They are super sensitive, so cover that part of the brief as well. Since he makes them to order, I had them veneered to match the furniture in room, which is appreciated by both my wife and me.

Tannoy (second hand Stirling or Turnbury perhaps), Fyne and Klipsch all fit the bill imho, but the first 2 are very different from Klipsch.