Responses from wsrrsw
Takatsuki 300B $255 !! @williesaid I can suss you are headphone user or are in regards to the 300B. That’s not in my wheelhouse except for the universality of the driver tubes, the 6SN7s, headphones, cabeling, etc. adding to mix of your delivered sound. i’d guess the dr... | |
Takatsuki 300B $255 !! @williesaid Not underwhelmed. Built a system around (using a pair of Linlaii Elite 300b’s specked tubes by manufacturer) 300B’s. Takatsuki 300bs are well regarded by many. Lot’s of stuff to read and cogitate over. Haven’t tube rolled yet. Bound... | |
Fiber or Eithenet Ozzy, Not definitive in this matter but when I had an EtherREGEN, after dark PSU and clock I preferred the copper as did another member I corresponded with on the forum. Go figure. The Clarisys Minuet’s are a feast for the eyes and I bet with t... | |
Class A bias, speaker sensitivity, watts...? Handy test tones but not to tap your toes by. | |
Fiber or Eithenet @ozzy I tried fiber into my Lumin X1 and preferred Ethernet cable. One might infer that, as usual, it’s all system/user preferential. (Got a different streamer and DAC and offered the X1 and Lumin Amp to my son and he didn’t want! I through I rai... | |
Marianne Faithfull RIP I emember the first time I heard “Why D’Ya Do It". Steve Winwood was on keyboards too. | |
A cable too perfect? This for me has bested them all. Has the trun to tighten feature too. Ground wires too. | |
Where to put best interconnects @lalitk Double plus one ( points if you know this reference). I have tested my xlrs and for my gear the best connects from source to pre works best. As always, YMMV. Tax and title not included. Void where prohibited. | |
HAVE CABLES EVER TAKEN YOUR SYSTEM FROM SOUNDING JUST OK TO SOUNDING GREAT? Experiences ? @bugredmachine Read for a few years before even posting and based many of my trials on recommendations found here (and then was able to source a lot on Agon). @calvinj Excellent cables added for sure but nothing beats a great (treated or untre... | |
speaker upgrade fever ???Room treated???? Sonus Faber, Tanny's or maybe Khorns? | |
ifi LAN iSilencer I'm using Ethernet filtration and Galvanic Isolators. One in case of shock/surge/lighting and the other to filter ethernet noise. Big sonic difference when just an old blue cat five cable is compared. I'm using two EverStar MI-300's on each syste... | |
Is it easier to sell mono blocks or stereo amp on the used market? @dean_palmer Yes most do want one box and for good rea$on. And many integrated's are superb. I always had an intreated AMP until (and I was never ensorcelled with monos or even thought much about 'em.) But a life long deeper dive into sound re... | |
New Amp Advice In your price range Lamm Industries Monos would be at the top of my list. Air Tight too. I dig my Spatial Monos but 24W could be lower for your 92db rated speakers. | |
Is it easier to sell mono blocks or stereo amp on the used market? Yup mono's more difficult to sell but please get what floats your boat. If we set up our systems looking for future resale values, then without a crystal ball it's likely moot anyway. Also (Duhh) mono's need a pre that also may require selling. T... | |
Who is Roon? A few quasi prophetic more....if you have roon for them. "The girl in the other roon She knows by now There’s roon in all of her fears"- by Diana Krall "May seem peculiar How I think o’ you If you want me darlin’ Here’s what you must do. Yo... |