Recommendations for CL rated speaker cable

Hi, started this thread here in Cables forum and didn't get any bites. Started it over on the AVS Forum site in Monitor Audio thread and got my head bitten off. Wondering if you have any advice on really good CL rated wires for 21ft/7m runs to Monitor Audio Apex speakers?

Here is the original post, will be upgrading CDP or DAC soon.

Any advice on specific wire selections appreciated. Really not interested in debating virtues of zip wire versus exotic cables, I believe well designed wire is worth buying, and you are not going to change my mind in this thread. Just looking for some good ideas for CL rated cables for under a grand. Thanks in advance.

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"05-08-14: Bob_reynolds
I second the Blue Jeans /Belden suggestion. They've been my cable source for many years."

Does Blue Jeans actually make their cables or are they just a retailer that buys bulk from companies like Belden and cuts them to whatever lengths customers order?
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I didn't mean to suggest Blue Jeans was not good in any way. I buy my cables from Cable Co. They're just a retailer as well. I was only curious.

"As part of my audio evolution, I quit spending money on audiophile cables years ago. This was a practical engineering decision."

I know. Audiophile cables can be a real pain. Most of them are way to stiff and bulky to run in any practical manner. I broke more RCA jacks on the back of my components than I care to remember. lol There's some pretty good stranded cable out there (Kimber, Cardas, Wireworld, etc). I do prefer solid core, but you can get the stranded stuff to work OK.
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"I really appreciate the specs provided for Belden cable. With audiophile cables I felt like I'd have to buy a dozen brands and models and then conduct blind testing. It just wasn't practical and electrical characteristics aren't published on many. So I gave up... with no regrets."

Did you ever listen to the cables or not bother because you didn't know what the specs were? There are quite a few cable manufactures that do list specs.