recommendations for SS integrated with DAC for < $1200?

I am looking for a SS integrated amp to drive my Studio-20 bookshelf speakers.
I only use 2 sources ....  ERC-1 CDP and SONOS Connect for streaming audio so, don't need an integrated with tons of inputs.

I currently have a few problems:
1. I am using analog outputs from the Sonos Connect into my Emotiva UPA-2 pwr amp and am using the Connect as a pre-amp (volume control).  While it sounds ok most of the time it is not optimal.

2. I am connecting my CDP outputs into the analog inputs of the Connect and using the Connect for volume control.

Functionally, this works fine but, I want to improve things.  What I want is to connect both the CDP digital out and the Connect digital out into an integrated.  Looking for >50wpc.  My current UPA2 puts out 125wpc but, with my speakers, I think it is overkill.

  Anyway, looking for a good quality integrated.  Budget is $1200 + or -. This for my living room 2.0 music only system.  Attractive and WAF would be good.  

A few questions ....

   Are class D amps audiophile quality?
   Cambridge audio has some offerings.  How do folks feel about them?

 Recommendations are welcome.


I recently bought a Hegel H80 for around the price you state. I use the DAC for the Sonos Connect, and there are multiple digital and analog inputs. Relatively small and looks good.  Sounds great. I use with Dali Helicon 300 monitors. Other sources also. Easy to use, no menus to deal with...

Hmmm ... the price on the H80 runs around $2000.

A bit out of my budget unless I can find an awesome used deal.