recommendations of phono preamps < $3000 range

Been obsessing over trying to select a new phono pre .... could use some insights / experience  etc. and then some dealers to contact.

At this point I think I have the list down to either a Sutherland 20/20 or the Parasound JC3+.... was looking hard at the Whest 30RDT SE but it seems to be a little out of my price range and none on the used market. 

I am currently using a well modified Jolida JD9, and have rolled quite a few tubes through it.  

I want a phono pre that is more detailed / articulate, images better... don't care if it is tube or electronic.
Thanks for your thoughts and opinions    Jim
very helpful... thanks     but current state of my system is not balanced... although my new Krell S 1500 is... so it will be a consideration in the future. 
Nobody suggested and Audio Research?  I love the ph3 or ph5.  The Manley can't be argued with but is it worth that much more than a PH3?
I started with a Jolida JD9 -> upgraded tubes to NOS Mullards, tube dampers, etc and it was well rounded, had some good flexibility with loading etc. However I wanted more articulation and got an Avid Pellar. Here I did find the articulation, very controlled bass, again flexibility with loading and gain, but much quieter than the Jolida. Yet I still wanted something that combined the attributes I liked from the Jolida and Avid but take it to another level. Then came the Herron. This was it. There is a balance of warmth, detail without being over analytical, with just the right amount of instrument separation, yet a musical coherent sound. It was one of those purchases for me, that says at the price point and what I got, I am happy and not left wondering about other choices. I am not one to say this beats everything, or is worth more than you pay, and is your last stop, Reading what you are looking for, I certainly would keep Herron on your list other than it being higher than you wanted to spend. I like it so much I now am looking at the Herron Line Stage.
You might want to consider the new baby TRON Convergence. Given the collapse of Pound Sterling compared to USD, a new TRON Convergence MC is only USD1300. I reviewed this about a year ago.