Recommended CD player below 1.5K

I have intention to upgrade CD player in near future, current CD player is Cambridge Audio 540C V2. Is Rega Appolo a good replacement? I am looking for CD player below 1.5K to match my current hifi rig (see system). Please give your recommendation and review if possible.

Is it make a lot of sound difference between unbalanced (RCA) interconnect and balanced (XLR) interconnect?

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There's a couple of threads that rave about the Cayin CD50T.

I have one and have no desire to upgrade (at the moment). You can pick one up used for half your budget and spend the rest in CDs!
The Benchmark DAC1 is very hifi - I found it too analytical and mechanical sounding to be natural.

Agreed. It is a precision engineering type product more at home in a studio. Only a few folks will enjoy or appreciate this kind of presentation. On some recordings you will become all to aware that the singer is singing into a microphone, which can be really irritating.
Thanks for all response, currently i find my sound system on little bright, detail side, is Benchmark DAC1 or Cambridge Audio 840C suitable? I prefer a warmer, musical CDP.

What about Cary CDP1, though it slightly above my budget?

After looking at your system pics I would suggest some room treatment to warm things up a bit. Your room looks highly reflective.
My Resolution Audio CD-50 is the most satisfying cdp I have owned. I have probably compared it with ten different cdps in my system and it wins every time. As it is old technology, I won't recommend it but I'm keeping it until dies.
If I were in your position I would also look into a DAC. I have owned several dacs and my two favorites are the PS Audio Digital Link III and the Bel Canto DAC 2. The PS Audio has the USB input which I haven't used and it also has balanced outputs which I have used. To my ears the improvement with balanced output is significant.
The PS Audio dacs are available like crazy here used.