Ouch! Now that s#cks!!
Record mishaps
Just dropped a pristine 1957 Faye Richmond Girlesque record I received from ebay on (of all places) the corner of my end table, while examining it under my table lamp. This resulted in a few what appear to be superficial scratches 🙄.....so what was pristine is now.... not so much...depressed....has anyone else ever done something stupid such as this in regards to record handling? This is a first for me. I'm hoping to play it at some point to see if the scratches are audible....its a mono record, so I think it may play ok.
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- 23 posts total
"its a mono record, so I think it may play ok" What does that have to do with playing it? I collect cool chick album covers from the 50/60’s. I have this one. https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=Awr9DtIxxZFe3nQAER9XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE0bDJzZDMyBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjk4NDhfMQRzZWMDcGl2cw--?p=faye+richmond+gor+men+only&fr2=piv-web&fr=mcafee&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9zZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tL3NlYXJjaD9mcj1tY2FmZWUmdHlwZT1FMjExVVM3MTRHMCZwPWZheWUrcmljaG1vbmQrZ29yK21lbitvbmx5&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMNueN9JTSTyqFPcH01SRtsQ9kx7LsJJqd8C_53dzyE25ArdOqAcEdyxfSM35wP9iXswD_SlEEAfBr6MgDTli0kS2TXEegl6mRghvuoHmPCAWCwh7gbDjLN_wyWa44AW9ynffYgt5mVSh6lk555tbW9nqqHYyRZ44GhHcl-pdeqc&_guc_consent_skip=1586611541#id=1&iurl=https%3A%2F%2Fc2.staticflickr.com%2F6%2F5143%2F5571906716_9431cf8c10.jpg&action=click Superficial scratches especially on older records,doesn’t necessarily mean sonic degradation. Old records typically are better quality=more resistant to abuse. |
- 23 posts total