The key to my post is "the rip and burn set". The ironic part is that Sony music wants the younguns to buy the CD's and the hardware part wants them to buy burners. Nevertheless, there's more going on than just a lack of quality music for us audiophooles. Nrchy has it right. Usually, greed works but this time it's a conspiracy and it simply deserves to fail....BIG TIME.
The entertainment industry is getting pretty desparate. They have already asked Congress to allow them to snoop inside our computers and unleash malicious code to crash and burn our machines. Without such approval they may launch such an effort offshore.
The key to my post is "the rip and burn set". The ironic part is that Sony music wants the younguns to buy the CD's and the hardware part wants them to buy burners. Nevertheless, there's more going on than just a lack of quality music for us audiophooles. Nrchy has it right. Usually, greed works but this time it's a conspiracy and it simply deserves to fail....BIG TIME.
The entertainment industry is getting pretty desparate. They have already asked Congress to allow them to snoop inside our computers and unleash malicious code to crash and burn our machines. Without such approval they may launch such an effort offshore.