Recordings with incredible effects or imaging that we may not know about

I thought this could be fun and actually helpful for some of us wanting something different in our collection. 
One recording that I show off my system with is 
Supertramp - Even in the Quietest Moments.... at the beginning of this track,  there is a bird chirping,  on my system, it is about 3 feet beyond the left speaker and about 10 to 12 feet up,  this bird flies forward, then turns and comes right above your head.  Above your head, it is about 8 to 10 feet up,  it then turns and flies away going right above the right speaker and disappears into the distance.  
So,  what else is there out there that we should all know about that you just know we would all like to have in our collection.  
Please let us know,  Tim 

Roger Waters: Amused to Death. For so many years I thought that its the neighbor's dog barking outside (Right side, the street side from my sweet spot) 
Funny thing, the sound of that f@)&ng dog is so realistic, I forgot that it was there even when I listened to the album when residing on the 7-th floor of the apartment building...

I love me some Floyd.  I don't have this album and will definitely check it out.  Thanks!
Maybe not quite as dramatic as the previous posts, but I like the first cut from Santana’s Abraxas (Singind Winds, Crying Beasts). When dialed in, the chimes on both sides should have a very ethereal feel and sound to them, very airy, very 3D, a few feet forward and outside from the plane of the speakers. They should sound like fingers gently running thru them, making them ring with a variety of colorful  tones.