If you want an excellent receptacle that won't break the bank, try an Arrow Hart 8200 (about $8). I experimented with a number of receptacles up to $20 including Leviton, P&S, Hubbell, Bryant etc. and it was clearly the best, although the Hubbell hospital grade I used (8300 model) sounded smoother, but at the expense of what I felt was some information loss. I'd also suggest losing the LAT cord; I've used it, and although it is a very good budget cord, it tends to impart a zippy character to the music and is definitely on the brighter side of neutral. Two reasonably priced cords on the used market that I use are the Blue Circle BC 62 (very neutral and much less etched than the LAT) and the Cardas Golden (which leans toward the warmer side). My guess is that the LAT may be an area that can be addressed pretty cheaply that will make a pretty huge difference. I'd also try your amps plugged directly into the wall as opposed to through the power conditioner. Lastly, I'd agree with Bluenose that what your other power conditioner is sitting on can make a big difference. I'd suggest "laminated" or security glass (not regular glass) which is very dead. You can buy a piece for your power conditioner for about $20. Finally, for interconnects, I use Silver Audio Bullet 6.0's and notice there are a couple of pairs for sale here used. Rarely do you see these hit the market used, and they are a great deal in my opinion at the used price. Very fast and open, but at the same time very smooth, not what many would have to believe is the typical "bright" silver sound.