Rectangular versus fancy design speakers?

Many of us grew up with basic rectangular speakers which seemed to work fine. And as I look around the landscape I see lots of higher quality rectangular speakers that look very nice.

I like the pretty speakers with their stylistic designs.

Right angles are a bad thing with curvy surfaces being better for sound, so they say.

Does it really matter and I would think a rectangular speaker which probably has more of a budget to spend on the quality of what goes on inside versus spending so much money on the looks may be better.

Any higher-end rectangular speakers worthy of a recommendation?


"Any higher-end rectangular speakers worthy of a recommendation?"

-Not off the top of my head, but I'm 6' tall.



harbeth seems nice.

Rectangular speakers are generally a lot less than the fancy speakers is there a reason for this other than the looks?

can anyone really tell the difference between rectangular speaker and one of those fancy shaped things?

Marketing hype?