Red Dragon's new S500 Class D Amp

I know Class D amps are not held in high regard here. But I would really like to hear some opinions of the published specifications of this new amp. Red Dragon offers a 45 day trial period and I am tempted. The specs look quite impressive. If anyone has actually listened to it that would be even better.

The internals of this amp are the S-Pro2 from Pascal, a Danish company. The detailed audio specs can be found here in PDF form under the Product Flyer column. [url][url]

The link to the Red Dragon product page is here: [url][url]

Really would appreciate some opinions even if just based on the specs.
Deanchat- What's your latest impression of the RD S500 after some more break in.They have a trade in policy for the M1000 Mk I, of which I have a pair, that's pretty generous. Thinking of upgrading to the S500 but would like to read more reviews.Thanks.
Davemm- Sorry, nothing new. The S500 has been sitting around for a few weeks, waiting for me to get the room (and system) in order. I will update when things are back together. By the way, 6 Moons has a partial review of the S500, at this point it is just background info ending with "to be continued..."
Deanchat- Thanks for the quick response. I read that 6 Moons 'to be continued' review and am looking forward to the full review. Good luck with that room and system!
I have the D Sonic M3-800M monos and think they are awesome, they use the board above the one in the S500, very good control of my Joseph Audio speakers, very natural sound with great sound stage
I recently purchased a Jeff Rowland Continuum S2 integrated that I believe utilizes S-Pro2. It's simply the best amplifier that I've ever had in my system.