This worked surprisingly well for me.
Helped trap the bass, and reduced the effect of the all-too-lively high frequencies. You can cut the semi-circle versions in half and place them in the corners, or on the walls. They are more dense than foam, and could be made to look decorative. They are also cheap enough to be worth trying out. And make sure you keep one for working out the knots in your hips and IT band for all you runners & cyclists out there.
Helped trap the bass, and reduced the effect of the all-too-lively high frequencies. You can cut the semi-circle versions in half and place them in the corners, or on the walls. They are more dense than foam, and could be made to look decorative. They are also cheap enough to be worth trying out. And make sure you keep one for working out the knots in your hips and IT band for all you runners & cyclists out there.