Redundant Internet

My power went out last night for about 5 hours. Despite my network hardware being on a UPS, the Internet service went out anyway. Seems they use the same power feed my house does. When the power came back on late last night the Internet did not.

This used to be routine, then they fixed it, now we are back to unreliable.

As a result I’m investing in an inexpensive edge router and getting TMobile home internet as a fallback. The long term reviews for Tmobile home Internet were mixed. At first users loved it, then after a couple of months the performance seems to have deteriorated significantly. Hopefully it is now better an with a little luck I won’t have both go out at once.


@elrod  We (myself and my neighbors) have had multiple discussions with them about the reliability of the service around here lately.  They've sent techs out, eventually.  Today I passed by a cable provider and our local Dept. of Transportation trucks working around a fallen oak tree, so I suspect the last time this happened was unavoidable, but still, I'm really in need of a better solution.


I feel your pain. That’s the reason I am paying $25 a month for cellular service on my iPad. I also have cellular on my home alarm system. I use AT&T and they seem reliable. Good luck.

@spenav Thank you, that's the kind of brand feedback I was looking for.  I'll report back if Tmobile is still as bad as they say it got. :)

Just use the hotspot on your phone I have Verizon whenever I need it, it works great.