reel to reel

I'm interested in getting one. Does anyone know a good source? Which brands/models are the ones to get? I've heard that the Otari is good and the Technics RS-1500. What are your thoughts/experience?

I've already look at The Tape Project website...

Have an Otari MX5050 II B, a Technis RS1500US and a Tascam 3340-S. The Otari plays both NAB and IEC EQ'd recordings, the Techics is an NAB only deck. Both are half track recorders with quarter track play heads for playing commercially recorded tapes. The Tascam is 4 channel quarter track for playing quad tapes.
My Otari (the 4 channel model) is a little more "open" sounding than my 1520. But I like the 1520 due to the ease of theading the tape. The 1520 is the most user friendly deck I have.

The J-Corders are pretty slick. I would assume they are well sorted out and come with both head blocks and have a good warranty.

Lately, a lot of people tout the Technics 1500, but ask the folks who own them, and what they paid for modding-repairing them, and the numbers will stagger you. The Technics 1500 is no simple machine, is quirky and being that there are few who can put them back in shape, expect to pay dearly.

Simple answers, TEAC 3300 in various flavors, even 2-track. 3340, 3440, and another very beautiful machine, but might be costly, as it is rare, and who could ever find parts for, is the Fostex E3/E4 machines.

Akai's were nice, and common, but again, all of these machines have little to no support via company. make sure you know qhat your buying before you open your wallet. Mark
Please disregard my previous post - - the link is no longer good. So sorry - - will try to find the right link and repost.