Reference 3A Decapo "i" sounds shrilly

I just bought a Reference 3a Decapo "i" version pair of speakers mounted on sound anchors speaker stands. I'm using a Antique sound lab ki22 fox dt integrated, Cary 306 cdp, siltech interconnects and Harmonic Tech pro speaker cables. The sound is shrill to the point of listener fatique and dissapointment. Is it my cables, the amp/speaker combo, the speakers? I'm confused and frustrated. Any suggestion?
If your equipment (and it's very good equipment) is working OK, and the sound is identical on both channels, and there are no other sonic issues (like noise, hum, RF interference), and not internal settings on the CDP or amp, then I would check for an impedance mismatch between the CDP and the Antique.

Try another source like an FM tuner or another CDP. Also, try another set of ICs (probably not the problem but don't just assume because of their great reputation, that the Siltechs are correct for this application.

Usually in these cases, it's the CDP output characteristics that are causing the problem, especially if it's equal on both channels. You might want to shoot an email to Cary.

Did you previously have the same electronics, but a different pair of speakers, or is all of the equipment new to you?

I own the Reference 3A MM DeCapo (non-i version) and it is definately not shrill. I've owned speakers that were very hot on the top end in my same room, so I know my speakers are relatively soft on the top end. Unfortunately, I've never heard the "i" version which has a different tweeter, so I can't say for sure if this trait is typical with your speakers.

One thing to try is room positioning. The DeCapos are mirrored pairs. You might want to try them in the opposite position, i.e. swap the left and right speaker so the tweeters are on the outside or inside.

Good luck. Hopefully the DeCapos will work out for you. They can be a very good speaker in the right setup.

Oh, and are they new or used? They may need some break-in to smooth out.

Harkey - this is an easy problem to fix as your components are all well known and very good quality. I'm not sure which Siltech i/c you have, but unless it is a model with significant gold content, go with a copper interconnect with the Cary 306 and you will get rid of the HF shrillness - something like XLO Signature 2's should do the job quite nicely, but you could even go cheap with something like Kimber Heros and do well. You might want to look into something like a Furutech E-TP80 for your power as well, which will also give you some relief from HF listener fatigue. It's NOT your equipment... John