Rega Planar 3 Amp Pairing

I have just placed an order for a new Planar 3 turntable with the Rega Exact cartridge.  I am currently running B&W 685 S2 off of a Sonos Amp.  Plan on moving to an analog amp and add a Sonos Port for digital.  
So my question is would I be better off going with the Rega Brio and just be done with it?  Another option I was looking at that could be cheaper would be to get a Cambridge Audio AXA35 which is significantly less than the Brio and add the Rega Neo PSU for an overall less cost. Bother have a Phono Input and from what all I read the Rega is 
I would like for anything I am looking at to have REC out to send analog signal back to the Sonos port rather than sending the turntable through the Port directly which would digitize the signal. 

I am aware adding the cost of the Neo PSU gets me close to the cost of a Planar 6.  However, I was able to get an exceptional deal on the table that was too good to pass up.  Essentially I was able to get the Planar 3 with the exact for the same cost had it come with the Elys 2. 
I was able to audition both and it really is no contest.  The Brio is a special piece of kit.  
Rega makes some great products- I haven’t heard the Cambridge unit but I’d lean towards to Rega based on my experience with Rega 

But I’m not you. Try and audition both. 
First rule of audiophile, keep everything you currently have until you are positive about the change after extended listening to the new stuff.  I believe either way, you will like the Cambridge or the Rega better.  I'm not a big fan of class d amps.  Guessing you are listening in a smaller space.

Rule 2, you can't hear a review. Things sound different with different equipment.  You have your specific space and your specific equipment, that is unique to you.  You simply have to see what your audition options are.  For example, you have a 60 day return policy with Cambridge.  That said, is there a store in town that will work with you?  Or better yet, someone close by that can bring in their equipment to sample with what you are wanting to keep.  You want to listen to things in your space, if possible.  Otherwise, your equipment isn't huge (giant tower speakers and such), see if a stereo store will allow you to hook up to their various amps on display at their store location.  You're spending some serious money, would you buy a car without a test drive? 

For example, I used to have some B&W's similar to yours.  I liked them very much hooked up to a Dynaco ST-70.  I gave to my son and gave him a choice between a ATI or the Dynaco and he chose the ATI amp.  Totally different sound for each.  Which was better, well that is open to interpretation.  To me, I loved the warmth and gentle reach around tush grab of the Dynaco.  My son loved the brightness and drive of the higher wattage that the ATI afforded.

I believe you are going to love that turntable.