REL with Integrated Amp connection Question

This is a very noobish question but then again I'm a noob with subwoofers integrated with 2 channel systems =)

Assuming I have a Krell integrated and a Yamaha HT receiver. I have two speakers, I'd like to integrate a REL subwoofer. Currently I have the Krell as my dedicated two channel amplifier connected to a DAC and transport; however I also use the Krell to power the two front speakers and use the Yamaha AVR as a processor and video switcher via Krell's HT by-pass function. Confused yet? Now I ask you how in the world can I connect a REL sub like the Q-108 into the mix? I'd REALLY hope it can be done somehow through the Krell's pre-out line level outputs and not through the speakers terminals where I would then have to run speaker wire (thick Harmonic Technology) to the Subwoofer.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Connect the REL to the speaker outputs of the Krell. The REL is a very high impedance input (meaning the Krell won't even notice it's in parallel with your speakers). The REL draws almost zero current (or power) so it doesn't need speaker cable: I'd guess 26 guauge wire would do it.
Oh, so the REL connects to my existing speaker terminals that are already connected from my amplifier to speaker. So in a sense I'd have to spades connected to each terminal. I think I've got it now.
Lush: what you want to do is use the REL Neutric connector, not speaker cable, from the power amp output terminals of the krell (inserted after the speaker cables) to the REL... Just as above post Seantaylor99 says. Also there is I believe a "high end" aftermarket Neutric cable for REL's often listed on A'gon.
Be sure to get the connections in order. Wrap the wire around the correct posts: red to right +; black to left -; yellow to left +. Good to go.

Two ways to connect a REL to your integrated Krell, low level and high level.

If you Krell has a pre-out output, get a subwoofer cable from Radioshack and feed that subwoofer cable to your low level input 0 decibel gain on the REL (don't go with the 12 decibel gain since your neighbors will call the cops). This is how I hook up my two REL to my NAD C352.

Or you can use the high level connection, using a Neutric cable.

Go to to download a REL manual. The manual will walk you through step by step connecting your Krell to the REL that you have.

Happy listening.
Btw, congratulations on getting the REL. REL is more expensive than others but the bass is really quick and tight.