Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ????

Do to a dumb electrical move I blew a fuse in my amp and thankfully it did just what it was supposed to do. No damage to my amp. What are my replacement options ???? I have heard some audiophile fuse's are out there for $25 a fuse....any comments would be appreciated.
With respect to the audiophile gods, I can't imagine how a fuse (as long as it is proper value) can have any effect on sound quality. Pile on.

OK, how about:

With respect to the audiophile gods, I can't imagine how a power cord (as long as it is proper gauge) can have any effect on sound quality. Pile on.


With respect to the audiophile gods, I can't imagine how an interconnect (as long as it is decent quality) can have any effect on sound quality. Pile on.


With respect to the audiophile gods, I can't imagine how a speaker cable (as long as it is sufficient gauge) can have any effect on sound quality. Pile on.

Do any of these seem ridiculous to you as well, or only fuses?
WOW Albert.... stand down! I hadn't read your review of these yet, but now want some myself..... I figure you are right in your conclusion, for the money, it would seem to be the cheapest tweak we could do! Thank you for helping me spend MORE $ on my system
I have only tried the ceramic types of audiophile fuses. German made by ahp "klang-module". Copper-Gold version. Replaced fuses in my cd and tube-amp. I would say that it was a change to my liking.

Albert has a fair point. He's listened to the normal fuse, ceramic fuse, and the $25 fuse. He can hear a difference.

Timrhu asked "pile one" So seem like his request was granted!

I think the main point here is, you can't really question someone who has taken the time to listen vs someone who is basing an opinion with out listening.

I've used normal fuses vs ceramic. I can hear that. It was worth the $1.50 per fuse. All your power flows through this little thing, so if you can hear power cord changes, your chances of hearing this a pretty good.

BTW, I can also hear the contact cleaner improvements when used on the fuse and fuse holder. Pile on.