Replacement remote for McIntosh C50

The original remote that came with my C50 has become sticky and has always been cumbersome to use. All I really use the remote for is volume control. Is there an aftermarket remote that I can use to perform this function? Maybe something more streamlined and 'cool?' 

Many thanks in advance for any/all help!
Audio Classics can sell you a new McIntosh remote that will work the C50.  Prices are from $80.00 to $120.00 depending on the remote. 
Buddy they are everywhere. Look on Ebay, Parts Express, your junk drawer, your PHONE. Yup that’s right your phone. :-)

The coolest remote was a Krell man they had a good one, brushed aluminum, wonderful, EASY layout.. Tough as the Bismarck Battleship/(now submarine)..
