Replacing Ortofon MC20 looking for some recommends

Cant belive the variety of cartridges out there. Bewildering.

Had an MC30MkII that the ex gf(now buried in the back) ripped the stylus off when cleaning the TT with a j cloth. That was some 25 yrs ago and I have now got the vinyl out and am using the old MC20 that I bought with my ariston RD80 when I sold gear in the early 80s.

I have a new LP12 60hz motor,spring kit to put in it and am looking at the hercII board and will make a subchasis and do the some other mods to it.

I use a Yamaha A1 interated for the MC phono stage and run the preouts into an Audible illusions L1 that feeds a Belles 350a into some B&70s .

Lisdten to classic rock mostley and like imaging, staging etc ie not a rock monster system.

The mC20 is getting a little old and I do like the sound of it. Although a little laid back these days.

Any suggestion in the 400$ range?
